Monday, March 2, 2009


Was considering create a post or not today as i was surfing through MalaysiaKini.

I watched at their YouTube the latest vid on "Perak Crisis: What will happen in the next 48hrs?". Also went to Lim Kit Siang's English blog & viewed the video which was the confrontation between UMNO youth ppl & Karpal outside the Parliament. This sparked me off looking for the videos of Parliament sitting(believe they call it the HANSARD te actual physical archives) on YouTube.

Clicked the search box and keyed in "malaysia parliament" clicked "search"... Lo & behold what you see in the pic was the search results. Check it out yrself here.

As a Malaysian i "segan" seeing the 1st search result "
Malaysia Parliament asking Chinese Get Out from Malaysia -
this is the rasist parliament in Malaysia(UMNO) ...", as being Chinese by ethnicity makes me "meluat" seeing all these antics.

To be fair i did a search of the below "singapore parliament", "indonesia parliament", "thailand parliament" & "phillipines parliament". However, i don't see these kinda of antics in out neighbours search results.

Seems like Malaysia is the most sensational & 3rd world if i were to jus based my personal opinion from these results.

Its a sad state of affairs we're in... Our only reprieve is watching the reality TV series titled "Politics in Malaysia"

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